Noragami is a Japanese manga series by Adachitoka. The story of Noragami begins with Hiyori. It is one of the most loved and popular anime and now their fans waiting for the release of Noragami Season 3. Noragami started as a manga series, authored by Adachitoka and published by Kodansha. The series premiered in January 2011. The first episode of noragami was release in 5 January 2014 and it has total 12 episode. After the huge success of Noragami Season 1, they release the second season on October 2015. Now viewer wants to see the third season of noragami and all they are waiting for the Noragami Season 3 Release Date.
Noragami Season 3 Updates
as we know noragami started as manga series and manga of the anime series has a total of 74 chapters. they covered 38 chapter in season 1 and season 2, so its means two more seasons could be created using rest of the chapters of the manga. so There is certainly enough content in the manga to keep on going, and we all now that previous two seasons did well enough, that a third season would be approved. Really hoping the third season is announced soon. So whats your thought on Noragami Season 3?
The third season’s plot is expected to revolve on Father and it is expected that the dark past of Yato will be fully revealed. Viewers of noragami want to know who was the random man who kissed Hiyoru, even spoilers reveal that he was none other that Yato’s father in disguise. Fans looking forward to seeing the relationship between Yato and his Father. What you guys expect from Noragami Season 3, what do you think Hiyori and Yato will be together in this season 3? comment your thoughts below.
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Characters of Noragami Season 2
- Iki Hiyori : main female character
- Kazuma : is one of Bishamonten’s Shinki
- Phantoms : creatures that come from the Far Shore
- Mayu : Previously she worked for Yatounder the name Tomone
- Iki Masaomi : older brother of Iki Hiyori.
- Iki Sayuri : mother of Hiyori
- Iki Takamasa : Iki Hiyori’s father.
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Noragami Season 3 Will Release or Not?
There are many rumors that Noragami Season 3 is still in production and there’s a lot of material in Manga which will be perfect for a new season. This is only good news for noragami fans. A lot of people want to see Noragami Season 3. as we know anime hasn’t been uploading any anime since about 2015 and now is 2018, But there might be a chance of the director to make more episodes though it would be shorter. there are a lot of rumors like noragami season 3 will be released in Spring of 2018. but there is no official confirmation by the studio. The series is produced by the studio bones. And This studio also produced popular anime series like Black, Wolf’s Rain, and Soul Eater. The official announcement for the third season of noragami is awaiting from bones. But still no update regarding the release of the Noragami Season 3(noragami aragoto season3). we hope they announce the release date of noragami season 3 soon. Anime fans from all over the world have been waiting for the release date of the noragami season 3. Even we also want to see how things will go on with yato and hiyor.
Let’s hope for the best and wait till the release date of Noragami Season 3 announced. Comment your thoughts below about Noragami Season 3.
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yes i need this new season 3 i love Yato and Heroyi to be together
I am only a little ahead of the anime in the manga, but I still can’t wait for yatos and hiyoris relationship to actually be a thing.
Hioryi and yato Should be together in Season three they are perfect for eachother and ive been wanting a season three for so long
What’s taking them so long for season 3 ?
I need a season 3! I want to know all about Yato’s past with his father and I am dying to find out what happens between him and Hiyori!