Fitness, sports and leisure time are now a top priority. But in this area, the clothing must be right. There are many sports that everyone can practice in their free time, alone or in a club. In the summer swimming is the great national sport and in the winter skiing or skating
The right clothing is important for every sport. The things must fit, must not be too tight and should correspond to the weather. In winter the clothing must warm, in summer it must cool and protect from the sun. The shoes are very important. Jogging or cross-country skiing quickly causes blisters on the heels, which then hurt for a week. Soft material that adapts to every foot is required here.
Fitness plays a bigger role in our society. Everyone wants to be fit, wants to do something for their health and this is best done in the fresh air. A walk is worth it for everyone. Older people also benefit from this and can walk a few steps a day, in the nearest park or green area. Here you can rest on a bench in between.
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